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  • Writer's pictureAndy Ye

銀座 Food Haven。

Taken at the Ginza parade that was coincidentally happening when we were there :)

おはいよございます。This is day #4, post #9 and it's currently 10:05 pm and I'm really tired already oof, so lets get these updates out real quick and shleep~ I think I'm gonna divide today into three posts and Imma focus this one on the food that we ate today lul.

But before that (I know, sorry for the tease) I just wanted to show some pictures of the parade that was happening through the streets of Ginza. I think it was in celebration of the new era (令和元年) but I'm not sure. I really like parades and it brought such a good energy to the already beautiful day.

Taken at the Ichiran in Ueno~

So first we had a little brunch at Ichiran (which is very popular) and omg first time having ramen in Japan and it was amazing. The broth was just so rich and ugh unhealthy but who dah f00k cares I MEAN LOOK AT THAT, the noodle was so firm too and ah cravings for it all over again. This was one of those places where each customer has their own little cubby which allows you to "focus on the taste" with no distractions and it was a very cool experience.

Next (after MUJI, thats right we went to MUJI) we had some curry at a curry restaurant in Ginza~ and yea I'll just let the picture describe itself. I MEAN LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS. like the freaking meat was amazing and crsipy and oof that rice. Like I can't wait until summer classes start because I'll hopefully have a rice cooker with me at my sublet and finna be making the best rice and paring it with seaweed.

Finally, this was around dinner time and we made our way towards the Tokyo Station and ate at the underground Ramen Street. It was literally store after store of ramen shops and ugh all the lines were crazy. I got the ramen bowl with extra pork that made a flower but omg after I finished I realized how shat I ate today. Like think about it, ALL THAT SALT UGH. But at least we walked a lot today :') I need to start eating better, and drinking more water lol.

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